Most lenders and creditors are going to rely primarily on your credit score to decide whether to give you a loan or what interest rate they will offer. While they will look at other factors, such as your income and your relationship with that lender your credit score is going to be very important. What […]
Author: Admin
How Repairing Your Finances Can Help You In Obtaining An SBA Loan If you are a small business with a need to obtain finance, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is a great place to start. The SBA is a government organization that assists business owners by providing finance through banks and other lending institutions. The […]
How to Lower Your Mortgage Rates in New Jersey With Bad Credit In the mortgage world, almost everything revolves around your credit score. Therefore, you need to know how to boost your credit score if you want to know how to lower the mortgage interest rate. Once you get your credit score to a favorable […]
You have to spend money to make money. Yes, we know the saying is trite. We also know that it is true. Building a successful business means investing: • Time • Energy • Money Where Do You Get the Money? If you are an entrepreneur but lack the cash to finance your business, what can […]
Many small business owners fail to establish credit for their business. They use their personal credit to finance the business when they need loans. That is a bad habit. It not only lowers your personal credit score but can also make it more challenging to get business credit when you need it. It is also […]
Errors on your credit report can result in a low credit score. Bad credit can keep you from getting auto loans, mortgages, and even jobs! It also impacts other things; like how much you pay for auto insurance. That is why it is so important to correct errors on your credit report. At Emerald Credit […]
At Emerald Credit Solutions, we think everyone deserves good credit. We also know that the last year has been financially challenging for many people. Even people who once had great credit may be dealing with the challenges of having negative items on their credit reports. Even if you cannot afford one of our plans, we […]
You know how important it is to monitor your credit. You need a good credit score to rent or buy a home, get a decent interest rate on a car, to pay a reasonable amount for car insurance, and sometimes to even get a job. Little problems on your credit report can cost you thousands […]
Small business owners do not have the same borrowing needs as larger businesses, making it challenging to find the financing you need. The SBA’s microloan program is designed to help small businesses get funding tailored to their needs. Because the SBA works with lenders, you may qualify for an SBA loan even if you cannot […]
If you have bad credit, you may think that you cannot buy a house. There are programs offering mortgage loans for poor credit. However, just because you may be able to qualify for a mortgage with a bad credit score, it might not be a good idea. Finding affordable mortgage loans New Jersey usually means […]